I met a guy the other day. He was 33 years old. When we talked on the phone, I found that he was living at home with his parents. He attended a commmunity college for a while following highschool and then began working.
Relationships are difficult these days because people are not truly developed as individuals. It takes complete individuals to truly make a successful marriage.
I titled this blog 'abuse' because abuse can stem, and many times does stem from a person being unhappy. When people feel unaccomplished, they feel unhappy and this in turn can lead to abuse.
Many men find their self worth in their accomplishments, and when men don't feel good they can become angry and bitter, resulting at times in abusive relationships. That man may resent you, and he cannot be happy with you, because we just cannot give what we dont have.
Red flags can come in many forms. It is good to be alert when a man is incomplete, and observe how he feels about being incomplete; becuase again, if he does not feel good about himself, you could become the victim of his internal misery.
That is why a prerequisite for a man having God in his life should be priority because when we fail in life, God can still anchor us, and instead of our worth stemming from accomplishments (which many of us dont have many), that needed self-esteem can come from our relationship with God.