When people tell me that I have good kids, I don't take the credit. I know why people have good kids and sometimes why we dont. When we raise our kids as instructed by the Master Creator, it is difficult to lose. We hedge our parenting and safe gaurd our rearing so that it won't be in vain when we practice the Father's principles in childrearing.
This afternoon, I walked in from purchasing a few groceries, I went in to the kitchen to prepare a little meal. I looked into the sink, and Contastraphy! The sink was a mess, piled with dirty dishes. The most disturbing area in the sink was a bowl, mostly emptied out with a helping of syrup smothered popcorn and loose kernals. The kernals had eased their track into the disposal.
If anyone knows the mechanics of garbage disposals, small items such as popcorn kernals, as a first on the list of donts in these systems, can ultimately become lodged within the disposal channels, causing blockage and the motor to quickly burn out.
In short, The kernals in the sink was a chore- that had to be delt with quickly.
I reached for the gloves, yet parenting 101 responsibilities caused my arm to become heavy. I turned and perused the room of children, eyeing the very one who I was almost sure was to blame. I called my precious little one into the kitchen, she consented that yes, she had placed the bowl of syrup smothered popcorn and kernals into the sink.
Saddened, as a weak mother would be, I made her clear out and filthily dig out ever popcorn and kernal in the drain and sink amoung all of the other yooky dirty dishes from that day.
I continued in the kitchen with my chores as she got down to work. She was tortured in the gruelsome moment. I watched her make these ikky ikky faces as she travelled back and forth from trash dumster to sink, and cleaned up her atrocious mess. This chore would have indeed been much quicker and easier for me, considering mommies are typically vets to the dirty work; but if I had cleaned the mess for her, what would it have taught her--nothing. And I probably would be in the kitchen in the next few days cleaning up a similiar mess again, ultimately becoming an arch enemy with the child.
But no. My sweetheart will never forget to clean out her bowls before throwing them into the sink on next time, and will save me, her, and the day's dish cleaner a headache.
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