I don't think the heart is really capable of loving two. I mean to me it seems that the heart has the need to be in one place or the other. Even Jesus said, "No man can serve two masters", for he will hate the one and love the other, or else be devoted to one and despise the other. Songs of Solomon calls the Shulamite girl, the Rose of Sharon, a liliy amoung thistles, making her first place, "concubines, he said, a thousand", yet he says "none compares to you". The virtuous woman in Proverbs 31 is described amoung many as "'the one' who excels them all."
When someone is priority, others vaguely matter. They have slight value, yet there is the 'one' who gets all of your devotion.
In my opinion, it really is difficult to cheat in true love relationships because of these factors. I just feel that this is how God has created the heart.
I had a friend once and he would talk with me all day and night; his other friends could tell that his attention was divided and he responded, "all of my time is going to Ameenah", and I really do feel that this is true.
Furthermore, when we try to love two, we tend to begin to look awkwardly at the one we love less, and we refrain from giving any of them 100%. in public, we pretend we're not together, becuase we are holding back; We dodge in love, because we need to keep secret one relationship against the other, and this again is diffilcult to maintain. We are forced to dishonesty concerning our complete whereabouts and where we are heading to or been for the day. The phone rings, we don't want to answer.
One (1) relationship requires your all and best. Trying two can become overwhelming, in turn, making us rather incomplete, not fully satisfied, or unhappy.
We are not present; our heart is either behind us or before us. I believe that is why many of us are not completely happy in relationships, becuase we are trying to love two, and sometimes, 3,4,5. Even Too Short in a classic song said, You can't handle all of that, blow the whistle;"
On another topic, --maybe we are not truly in love--;
Yet, you reap what you sow, and what we want in a relationship, we should give.
Life is not perfect and neither are relationships.
My minster said, your relationship is not perfect becuase 'You' are in it, (minister, Emmanuel White, Forest HIll, TX)! Ha ha,
We have to settle down in this generation and be thankful for what we have, appreciate what we have, and make the best with all the good that we have. We are constantly searching, and we are ending up empty handed and without, becauase we are chasing the wind.
God can bring good out of your situation if you would trust him, be still and be patient, yet you're running.
I am imperfect married to an imperfect person (and if you think about it, you are imperfect too) yet I am happy because I choose to be. I choose to give my husband my all each and every day, and enjoy my life with him. And he the same with me. I am never alone in my relationship. I focus on him and I am present with him, with all of my and his imperfections. I don't focus on what we don't have because there is always something that we dont have (pun intended). As a result, I have experienced the happiest 15 years of my life in marriage, and we are moving forward and I'll add, quit imperfectly. We have been divorced twice, separated over 5 times (think what you want, I dont care), but we are still hanging in there and are still happy and love each other, we have 6 beautiful children that are learning from us what relationships are all about. That sometimes life is not always a bed of roses, but that you must love and endure, and destroy and recreate sometimes, I believe that they too will have enduring relationships becuase their expectation will be that life is not perfect, and that you get back what you put into life and realtionships.
When you bleed, sweat, endure temptations, and shed tears, don't be surprised if the final product is that of a masterpiece because of all of the sacrifice that was involved.
Pain makes you and relationships stronger, and your bond, I believe, tighter. Anything that is worth anything takes work (Andrew Carnage).
Again, I just feel or it is my opinion that the heart just has to be in one place or the other; It is hard to do, loving two,
tell me about your experience in trying to, love two
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I totally agree, Ameenah.
Well said. Thank you.