James 1 describes the Word of God as a mirror.
In my bathroom, I have written with pretty letters, with a Sharpie, "Look into God's mirror". It is a reminder to everyone who bestows their image, that the way that God sees them, and What God sees in them is most important.
Mirrors are a blessing becuase they do a good job and telling us what is wrong with our appearance or what is a little out of place or other physical aspects that may need tending to.
Mirrors like delicate crystal waters are made so that we can see ourselves.
Have you ever sat in worship and when the mesaage was over you felt convicted, or guilty. Well that feeling is because God's Word as a mirror has showed you some things that need adjustment. Jesus is returning for a bride not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing.
James 1 also mentions the secret to remembering God's Word. By doing God's Word, we remember it, we hide it in our hearts. James says, But be ye doers of the Word and not hearers only. James says he who only hears the Word and does not do it, is just as a man looking into a mirror, walking away, and soon after forgetting what he has seen. When we hear God's Word, and put it into practice it internalizes. Furthermore, He that knoweth to do good and does it not, to him it is sin.
So, look into God's mirror, see yourself, check yourself, and walk in the beauty of holiness.
Bro. Roscoe Rhodes, church of Christ at Forest Hill, Forest Hill, TX, "Increasing our Faith, Be Ye Doers of the Word" [start video 03:02]
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