From Series: Satan's Strategies for Destruction
Religion can be used for a number of things in fact
often thought of as good, Satan can use religion with tact
He's very tactful so he knows where to lead us to
He leads down a path of wrong knowing exactly what to do
He started in the garden, changing just one word
he replaced will with will not to the extent that Eve forgot what she'd learned
She didnt even think to consult with her husband first
SHe went against God's Word and the result was the worst
She lost her life and both were banned from the presence of God
that was the beginning of man's sin, so now difficult is the road we trod
Satan's next strategy was orchestrating the first murder amoung man
He made Cain worship falsely, turn against his brother, and in the field do him in.
Abel blood cried out, but for Able Cain did not care
just another way God used religion to turn man's face from God's care.
Hypocrisy, Fraticide, and self-righteousness to name a few;
ways that Satan uses Religion, to destroy me and you
Fraticide is when brother goes to war against brother
instead of defeating Satan, the real enemy, we war against each other
Hypocrisy is dishonesty, to other we dont show our true selves,
we decieve ourselves and fall into Satan snares
Self-Righteousness is really bad,
we think we're good when our lives are really sad
we place restraints in areas we should let go
we place burdens on men in spite of theor precious souls
In conclusion, we must know that the church is under attack
Satan has so many missiles in his pocket
when this strategy doesn't work, he uses that.
How Satn Uses Religion to Destroy Us, from 02.16.2022 lesson
Out of all of the lessons in this series: -Satan's strategies to Destroy Us-, this lesson so far has been my personal most thought provoking of them. Bro. White--"Satan conquoers some of his best work in the place of God's worship." Many comments are not better well stated than this. And that should mean that the church (the people) should always be on gaurd of the enemies tactics to destroy us, and especially from within. Satan started his feats in the Garden of Eden, changing only one Word, that ultimately brought sin amoung men into the world. Then Satan went on to orchestrate the first murder as a result of his influence of false religion.
Bro White reminds us that the church is always under the attack of the enemy. Hypocrisy, Fratricide, and Self-Righteousness are all tactics used in religion in order to detroy God's people.
Bro Emmanuel White, church of Christ at Forest Hill, Forest Hill, TX How Satan Uses Religion to Destroy Us 02.16.2022
[start video 05:00]