Why this pain Lord when I've been so good
Why this pain when I've done what I should
I keep all of your laws, I forget not one of them,
I study your Word, I place my back against darkness dim
Suddenly everything is going wrong, wrong, wrong
I'm pressed, and under pressure, & my heart has no song
Just like Job who lost everything,
I am slayed by a multitude and feeling every sting
How could I lose my loved one when I prayed to you so
My cry entered the chambers of heaven on many occasions, you know
The church was praying the community saw my tears
I am now standing here destitute and overcome by my fears
Why do bad things happen to good people who try
But bad things happen to everyone,
like being borne, we die
sometimes its easy to forget that death is a result of sin
without disobedience, we'd be not in the state we're in
yet we all miss his glory, and we continue to ask the question why
Satan uses our pain on us when we think we're getting by
Satan shifts the blame from himself to God
Satan knows all the reasons why, yet we continue to ask God
On last week, Bro White gave a very thorough lesson on how Satan uses Pleasure to Destroy our Faith. Bro White went into detail about temptation and the pleasure principle. This week Bro White shows a contrast with, not pleasure, but Satan using our pain as a direct strategy to destroy our faith. Have you ever lost a loved one and then felt tempted to blame God for maladies that happen in life? Sometimes there is the temptation to ask God why.
I personally pondered on a great point that Bro White reminded us of and that is that Satan actually distracts us and darkens our understanding by shifting blame from himself to God. Death, sickness, disease, chaos, dissension, would have never had place in the world, had it not been for the devil. Adam and Eve would not have died or suffered the grief that they did had it not been for disobedience, sin. So death, and hence dark things, are not fairly blamed on God. So it is not really God's fault when bad things happen. I thought that was an awesome point that I never gave much thought to. I was reminded of heaven, because it is a place where our sorrows cease, our tears will be dried, and they'll be no night there! Hallejluhuh! Praise Jehovah!
Bro Emmanuel White, church of Christ in Forest Hill, Forest Hill Texas 02.09.2022 How Satan Uses Pain to Destroy Us
[start video 04:56]