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All I See, Schizophrenia

All I see is negativity

people getting on my nerves

and about to catch a knee

I'm rollin my eyes and just about to get caught

I heard you whispering, you've found what you sought

I know you are watching me

You are seeing every move I make

I lay low and subside, my smile is fake

It takes one to know one

dont pay too close attention to this ryme

you are reading but cant fathom

the writings from my hand intwined

Have you heard of schitzophrenia

it gets the best of the best

it knows friend nor foe, yet divides its interest

deep things, thoughts creep

you may hear them while you sleep

I'm in a world of my own

look close but (dont leap) dont worry about me

All day long run the thoughts in my head

i'd rather be up but I'm laying by the bed

at times I'm wide awake and just cant sleep at all

its cold im hot, on water, I bounce the ball

All I see is rainbows and I am all psyched out

grab my hand, tug me gently, needing a little help to scout

schitzophrenia, a battle in the mind

thoughts, hallucinations, that go with time

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Ameenah M, TX
Ameenah M, TX
Feb 20, 2022


Ameenah M, TX
Ameenah M, TX
Feb 20, 2022

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