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Edification, An Act of Building Up

the church is a building, we must build each other up

we help each other, love each other, and keep the mortar and brick from getting stuck

We never tear each other down, but with words we give good comfort alike

we are aware of our behavior and negative demeanor that could end up creating strife

The church is likened to a temple, God's Spirit dwells therein,

God wants us to care for one another as dear children and in his resurrection depend

We really cannot make it without one another,

we need the light of His glory all around

We need the steadfastness of sisters and brothers

and a place where kindred Spirits be found

His Word teaches that we should always consider each other to spurn unto love and good works

To believe in the author and finisher of our faith, Jesus, the head of all things to the church

He has left us an example to follow his steps always

washing the disciples's feet as a pilgrim and servant was his way

It takes wisdom to build up a fellow Christian as you would thyself

to lift them when they're hurting, and giving to the needy from those with wealth

We should never think selfishly when we strengthen a brother for his good

we have to remember, that the church is a building, whether built from steel, iron, or Noah's wood


Bro Rhodes reminded us on this morning to continue to build one another up, Romans 15:2-3. II Corinthians likens us as believers to a temple. Bro Rhodes says we need to have wisdom to consider each other to encourage each other.

When we build each other up, it is the opposite of tearing each other down. We never want to destroy each other with our words or actions, but rather comfort each other and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Jeremiah 31:1 says, "I will be their God, and they will be my people."

When fellow believers edify each other, the goal should never be about pleasing oneself, but contrarily to build up the brother or sister for their good and not our own.

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