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Expressing My Mind

Narcissistic Poetry

Man I'm in a hurry to express all of my mind

I want to say all the words I feel

mean, excited, or kind

But its not safe

I am really not in a safe place

I wish for a friend

yet my words are a blur and distaste

I get it

Let me write to my diary only

when I get sad, frustrated, and when my outlook looks lonely

I tried to share them All In One Day With You

My mistake,

it all came out jumbled

or was it you that made the mistakes

You misunderstood what I was trying to say

you misconstrued the interpretation

You did it for your gain, your sake

Because you are truly not a friend

not a friend that I can share my feelings

you treat me bad, yet like I said earlier,

I'm healing

So at this present day, I really have to not care who understands or who doesn't though

People act like they're so cool with you

yet deep down inside you know the truth

They smile and they really act like they care

yet you just found out you were expressing your mind to a bear

Unfortunatey the bear doesn't speak your language

so he's just hearing you talk

he'd rather be licking hunny

he's watching you yet only to stalk

You really could have saved your words

becuase like a wall there is no comprehension

you want to progress, rise higher

your discourse has become discension

It is the fall of you for today

because there was no one who reeally understood

the depth of your heart, you unloaded it all to nothing more than a piece of wood

You left there feeling less than perhaps before you started

you sought someone to confide in

they were munching, passed a little gas and farted

You almost felt like the one who was disdained

the ridiculed, the drought, the reclused, and mamed

So today I will just choose not to go that route

I didn't get anywhere when I decided to let out my thoughts

Sometimes I feel that I'll never be understood

by the ones who are most important

the ones who'd in the end could have brought about good

Today I will not verbally express myself

if I know whats best for me and want to hold on to my wealth

I'll journal, I'll write, I'll take heed and not lose sight

because sometimes expressing yourself only leaves you lonely in the night

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