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Frankie Virginia Jackson

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Frankie, Frankie O how sweet

to know her was to love her

if you were in the neighborhood, or stopping by,

you were going to sit down and eat

Something in her house was always cooking on the stove

that was just how she was

mother, sister, Christian, friend

God sent this Frankie from above

Peach Cobbler was her cup of tea

but Frankie could prepare anything

it wouldn't take long either

She could make the stove and the birds outside; sing

Her love of God and service were known by all

she loved preachers were grateful for their service

she helped many of them continue to stand tall

Frankie lived a long life and taught her children and grandchildren well

the girls all grown up show her legacies

with the men they chose to dwell

In this family through this matriarch you see a firm foundation instilled

so Frankie this one is for you

through mineraled waters that sleep

your guidance, your life, abides with us still

dedicated to Frankie Virginia Jackson, taken from the eulogy of her minister, Bro Richard Barclay 03.12.2022

Matt 25:23 'Well Done, thou good and faithful servant, thou has been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things.'

Some of the legacies Frankie left;

Bro Barclay said, 'Frankie Showed and Taught me, that,

1. people don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care

2. To always have passion for evangelism and seeking the lost

3. To never forget to support Christian education, and to invest in Southwestern Christian College

4. Frankie always reminded me to never forget to send up my timber.

When Frankie was sick and shut in, she was still visiting the sick and shut in. Thank God for the Life and Example of Frankie Virginia Jackson.

A $5000 scholarship is being made in the name of Frankie Virginia Jackson scholarship to a deserving girl student, for the many many $20 bills that Frankie put into the hands of her minister Bro Barclay, saying 'thank you', and telling him to keep his mouth shut!"

Frankie is loved.

Bro Richard Barclay, Stonecrest church of Christ, Frankie Virginia Jackson 03.12.2022

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