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Narcissistic Poetry

Healing brings about a host of emotions

One day you got it

You are able to stand tall and tell the world all about it

The next is not like the first

you may shed a tear and tell a friendd you're feeling your worst

You want the antedote that day that can take all the pain away

"You really dont get it"

are the words I rehearse to say

I know that it is good for me to be afflicted right now

maybe there is really a future out there somewhere, somehow

I look, I search, maybe its all just sittting right here

I've accomplished alot

alot that I can say to others that I am so proud of

my children, my life, my loyalty, my sacrifice

Confusion, frustration, excitement, bewilderment

Its all a part of the healing

I've been traumatized,

within is internal bleeding

I want to think bad of myself and beat myself up sometimes

but I'm healing, it will be a scab soon, right now its an open wound

Healing takes time, but when you're healed, it will feel all better then

You'll understand later what all you're feeling now

and you'll hug yourself, look in the mirror,

you'll smile, you'll grin

You'll say, Girl you did good

and baby, sweet baby, I give you an A

for your endurance, your patience, and allowing feelings to subside when you'were angry

Baby, you'll feel better so soon soon

May not be next week, next month or even this afternoon

But you'll wake up one morning

and today will be history in a distant pass

you'll see why this was a chapter in your book

and why the pain and hurt and heartache had to last

Use people

because right now, you need them in your life

Don't worry about the struggle, the frustrations

the daily turmoils and inner strife

Keep telling yourself, "Girl you got this!"

Dont let your feelings slide or your depression dismiss

If they were you how would the shoe fit on the other foot

So allow them to love you

and turn your grey skies blue

Walk in wisdom and every day just know that you are healing

You may be down now but some time in the long run

You'll rise, you'll rise my baby to the sealing

You'll be so proud,

so proud of all you've accomplished throughout

As a soldier you have stood your ground you'll know

the definitions of life they talk about

You'll have lived and seen and be able to talk to the little girls

whom may need to hear your words after they are done playing playgrounds with little curls

They'll be growing up and you will wish that they will never have to see what you've seen, You'll want for them to ride into the sunset, get married, fulfill dreams

But just in case they have to go through some healing

your words they wont forget

They'll always believe in Love

Healing through pain is necessary and sufficient


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