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major dental procedure

I am Ricky Montgomery Jr., a freshman at Martin High School, son of Ricky and Ameenah Montgomery, and I live in Arlington, TX. I play football for the Warriors. I have a massive underbite that is causing me great dental problems currently, and my orthodontist said I would need braces. My family is low-income and my dental insurance was not eligible to cover the procedure nor cost of the braces. The rounded cost for the braces cash is $5100. I am requesting donations from family and friends and anyone who would support this effort. Being young, my teeth are not completley solidified and so this is the best time to correct the underbite, because later it would require the orthodontist to have to break the jaw in order to correct the dental problem. Thank you for your love, tips, guidance, and specifically financial assistance. Love, Ricky Any donation is appreciated. To donate today, press the link below to be directed.

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