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My Religion

Updated: Feb 17, 2022

Life's Lesson Blogs

Christianity is what I do when I think no one sees

is what I do in the dark or when I'm shooting the breeze

Christianity is what I say no to, when I really want to say yes,

it is visiting the sick, telling the truth, and doing my personal best

We all want a show or a pat on the back,

yet Christianity is not for the stage or for me to show my majik

When I wanted to talk bad, and then turned the other cheek

when I wanted all of the accolades but decided to be meek

Reading the Scriptures is just a part of the story

Its an important part of the Christian life, a part that should never be done for glory

Chains are made to be worn, yet his cross is something we bare,

we paint it, color it, stamp it in t-shrts so that people stop and stare

Christianity is religious indeed, its what we do that matters,

we talk much, preach loudly, this is good, my unheard life will rise above the chatters

I can say that I love Jesus, and truly sing those notes well

but what about my brother, my sister, when their house is like jail

Do I extend my hand to the needy, and say hi my friend, what do you need?

or do I strangle the dollars in my wallet at offering time with greed,

When I could have but I didn't do

When I lied and wasn't true

How much pain do I feel for my sin

Do I walk with pride, while others cry, I grin

Becuase Christianity is really about what I do

Christianity is Spirituality for me, for you

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