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Omari Omari Omari

Yes, I call you "My Man",

You are so independent

being responsible, you understand

All of my children have many different gifts

each of you are individuals:

One of yours is Leadership

Omari Omari Omari

what does this beautiful name mean?

it is of African Swahili dialect:

the "highest", "most supreme"

You have always amazed me

and made me so proud of you

your attitude in life

is sufficient, genuine, and true

When you were a baby

I loved it:

you made alot of noise

Ricky's response was,

"Its just me and my boys,"

You had the most beautiful eyebrows

and beautiful eyes today

I loved bedtime stories with you,

and at night you'd pray

Your prayer Omari would tickle me,

You'd say, "thank you God for my wife and kids,"

You would be talking of me and your siblings

you wouldn't only pray it

but this is what you Did.

You'd tell Kay Kay, say, "yes mame",

Manners you were learning

You'd cook the greatest pancakes

and with dad you'd go earning

Mowering lawns and handyman work

You could follow daddy's footstep

a serving heart in nature

so dad always knew he had help

Omari Omari Omari

Yes, I call you "My Man"

You are so independent

being responsible, you understand

All of my children have many different gifts

each of you are individuals,

one of yours is leadership

I Love you My Man

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