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One in the Same

Narcissistic Poetry

Alcoholic or drug addict

Its one in the same

you get the same result in a relationship with either of the two

its real life and not a game

The drug addict gets high

the alcoholic goes low

its a matter of preference

their spirit is up top or below

The influence they experience is strong

and the onlookers better watch out

they are trapped and delusional

In the moment they'll forget what life is about

The prohibitions are inhibited

and in the moment, anything goes

They are exhilarated, enboldened and brash

all from their head down to the toes

Its one in the same, the alcoholic and drug addict

co-dependers seek them out

and get entwined in the static

But because they are one in the same

you'll always have the same outcome

its no prince in shining armour

its overdoses, and laid out on the couch, this bum

You'll cry becuase you knew that you knew better

You should have been patient and watched the red flags

and prayed for a future sooner than later

We want what we want dont we,

having cake and eating it too

yet the story is one in the same

so wipe your tears and dont get upset when you're crying boo hoo

One in the same

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