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original greek word study: passions (like passions)

Updated: Jan 18

Scriptural Concordance Blogs

Enoch was of like passions as are we, passions Enoch of like passions: Acts 14:15 Ja 5:17 same word:3663, similarly affected fr 3664 (similar in appearance or character 3674(at the same palace or time on earth)) 3958 (to experience a sensation or impression (usually painful), a sensation or impression could be any feeling. Affect, the feeling aspect of consciousness,

What about the feeling of falling in love, or a pleasureable feeling? God created us and he made no mistakes. Shall the created inquire of the created and say, Why did you make me as such. Just be humble and accept that you are a little ant, your life is a favor, Fear God and keep His commenad for this is the whole of man. For God will bring every work into judgment. He is not going to judge by what is seen, God is the creator Master and bring works into judgment, man cannot do that. Man is only capable of seeing and going, so that is why we must allow God to be God, who hoolds righteous judgments, like we cant. In other words we have to always buffet ourselves and remind ourselves to allow God to be God, and we just be human--needing and relying on the God of heaven.

Passions are apart of the human experience, passsions are on other words, what makes us human.

Like passions carry the idea of Ecc that there is nothing new under the sun, the human experience is what we call parrallel, so every human faces many identical inclinations, the way you feel has been felt before, so no one shall evey feel alone, because feeling inclinations are a part of the human experience or life, or natur-al the way that God has designed or made things. We really are all related and just alike as human. Pride makes us want o rise above people, but at the end of the day we share the human experience as any human being. If we consider ourselves super human, we begin to lack the need for God and begin to rely on ourselves and out own understanding, yet God has made us, he knows us; and it is not in man to order His steps, yet God directs His course. Be human and not superhuman and then you will understand your (like) need for God, We must all beware because without God, I can create my own standard of righteousness which leads to sin and confusion. God says, what have I required of thee, but to walk humbly, mercifully, God wants us as humans to rely on Him and his wisdom for our lives, no other creation is self-sufficient; the birds, plants all depend on their Creatot; the care is in the masters hand, and He is a good Master who never leaves us nor forsakes us; He is well able to deliver us from evil, and storms in our life. So, I may think that I am better than you, yet really I am just like you; again passions simply signify the human experience. I dont have to feel strange because I have feelings for a man and want to be married, or feel angry sometimes, or experience PMS or menepause, or confusion, or fear, or desire, or temptations of lust, these are all part of life and we have to deal with life like adults and children of God. I Cor. continue in faith, love, holiness (pious-in God's Word, of or related to God's Word) with sobriety, self-control (not about lose your mind or out of control or drunk, without proper judgment) God is near, let your moderation be known unto all men. So people may know that you are patient, and may judge your patience, but God is near. Blessed is the man who does not condemn himself in that which he allows. Yet love one another. Blog here: I dont have to feel bad that I geta crush on someone, deal with those feelings, ask God to lead you not into temptation, you are human, and to consider yourself otherwise, is to not have understanding, Prov say in all thy Getting, get an understand. We can have so much knowledge, and yet not know how to apply it to our lives to actually live, and live abundantly. God said that the meek shall inherit the earth, literally. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness therof. Praise God! Praise Jehovah for His infinate Wisdom! God's church is greater than man's Wisdom (human intelligence). Hallejluhuh. Come to me all ye, Jesus says, who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light and ye shall have rest for your souls.

In other words Enoch was human just as you and I yet his prayer availed much to God. Just because you are little you and I am little me, does not mean that our prayer cannot avail much to God. If Enoch's prayer reached God to the utmost, so can your prayer extend into the heavens, right to the throne of God the Creator and orchestrator of all things. That is good news my friend! We serve a mighty! Awesome! & Wise! God!

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