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original greek word study: compassion

Updated: Feb 19, 2022

Scriptural Concordance Blogs

Compassion 4697 Matt, 'Jesus had compassion on him',:an intestine, to have the bowels yearn.

When the intestines move, they move from within us and resultantly, cause us to move. The movement of bowel is a rather uncomfortable feeling that actually forces a response.

So it is with compassion; when we see, we acknowledge, and the twin-like or shared pain that we feel for another person, moves us to take responsibilty in relieving the pain or making the atonement in the circumstance. Examples of compassion were: Jesus, who saw the hungry 5000, and...fed them. Pharoah's daughter who saw baby Moses crying and... took him in. And the all familiar illustartion of the Good Samaritan. Many decide to mimic his generosity as he has compassion on the Isrealites who has been robbed and beaten. makes us move!

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