Bible Discussion Blogs
As Sure as God is Real, Satan is Real
As Sure as there are angels, there are demons
As Sure as there is light, there is darkness
As Sure as there is peace, there is war in the earth
As Sure as Day arises, night comes
As Sure as there is a spectrum of white, there is one black
As Sure as there is love, there is hate
As Sure as Unity, there is discord
As Sure as a friend, there are enemies
As Sure as goodness, there is severity
As Sure as the lamb, there arises the wolf
As Sure above, there is beneath
As Sure as life, there is death
As Sure as a smile, there is a frown
As Sure as Spring, there is Winter
As Sure as warmth, there is cold
As Sure as pleasure, there is pain
As Sure as security, there is frailty
As Sure as instruction, there is confusion
As Sure as health, there is sickness
As Sure as wealth, there is poverty
As Sure as Unity, ther is discord
As Sure as happiness, there is sadness
As Sure as blessedness, there is fear
As Sure as prosperity, there is demise
As Sure as pleasantness, there is cantankerousness
As Sure as a melody, there is offense
As Sure as there is good, there is malady
As Sure as there are songs, there are tears
As Sure as a breath, there is restrainst
As Sure as fellowship, there is dissension
As Sure as energy, there is feebleness
As Sure as dancing, there is heaviness
As Sure as there is home, there is that which is destitute
As Sure as abundance, there is scarcity
As Sure as influence, there is abandonment
As Sure as laughter, there are growls
As Sure as innocence, there is rebellion
As Sure as sweet, there is also bitter
As Sure as honor, there is demotion
As Sure as encouragement, there is a dry spirit
As Sure as glory, there is that which disdains
As Sure as New Life, there expiration
I believe in all of these things. Do you believe in all these things?
Be not decieved, Satan is Real