That is an excellent goal and New Year resolution Antonio! Trash the credit cards or at least try and pay them off. Keep receipts to guard against emotional shopping. If you get home and realize, you really don't need what you bought, return it...with no'll sleep 😴🥱💤 better. Live Below your means! I could not stress this one more. So what: you can afford to eat out 3x a week. Cook more and watch yourself save big bucks (while you're trying to budget), while losing a few pounds as well. So what: you can afford the BMW, get the Honda instead, that decision will be well worth it, when you are more comfortable --weekly at the gas pump 😁, And, your monthly insurance premiums will be lower. Sleep on Big Decisions & Big Investments. And count up the true cost of money🤑💰 exchanges. Investigate assets vs. liabilities. I don't make a lot of money. I am disabled, on a fixed income, and a housewife, but I manage the little that I have well, I let people help me when it makes sense for them and me, I try to avoid debt and owing Anyone, like the plague, causing me to somewhat... somewhat live richly, in my own rights, to each, is own. Happy New Year, Happy Budgeting, and Happy Working With What YOU have, that's All any of us can do. When we are faithful over a few, it shows that we can handle even bigger and better things.
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