When many persons, including myself, open up the Scriptures, they may tend to feel that the messages are irrelevant. Such words such as archaic, outdated, and unrelateable, come to mind. Sometimes the end result is a putting down of faith in the God of heaven altogether.
But have you ever pondered the Word: faith. Many agree that we are indeed saved by faith.
What is faith? Primarily, Faith is beliveing in what we cannot see. Heb 11 reads, now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. By faith we believe in the things that were made and the invisible things; so that what is unseen cannot be explained by the things that are seen, and again, by faith, we Believe that the worlds were formed.
Contrarily, God has said, "having eyes, they see not, having ears, they hear," for their hearts have waxed gross and they have become just like their idols, that they do worship." The worship of these false gods, hinder those who would understand God from doing so.
Howbeit, understanding must come from the heart and the mind. (That's deep), we must truly love God, and ourselves, primarily. The ultimate love that I have for myself, encourages me to love God. As a result, peace and sweet sleep come to me as God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Yet, the way of a transgressor is hard.
Furthermore, James 1 says, be not ye hearers of the Word only, decieving yourselves; for if any man be a hearer of the Word and not a doer, he is like a man beholding himself in a mirror and as soon as he walks away, he forgets what he looks like. Hence, the practice of God's Word, by design or by default (that must be stated) is not solidified until it is practiced. The messages of God are not just another book, it is spirit, it is alive, it is sharper than any double edged sword, it exposes us, and sheds light in the dark places. By it (The Word) we see the blemishes in our souls and the adjustments that need to be made before the Savior of the World returns.
In conclusion, the Message of faith will simply never make sence until you practice it.
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-For we Walk by Faith, and not by sight
-You dont have to understand it to obey it