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undivided attention

Updated: Feb 19, 2022

Narcissistic Poetry

Your undivided attention baby, thats all I really need

for you to love me, hold me, be my man and take the lead

I love you so much and I need you so

to love me, hold me, be my man and take control

I know that you understand, because you are the kind that always will,

hold my hand, kiss me sweetly, and let me know, you're for real.

Undivided attention,

you give it and give it well

I never need another man to reassure me and make my ego swell,

cuz you got me baby,

and you're here until the end,

that is why I love you, im down with you, your loyalty never bends.

Your love is rare, I'm so glad we met,

seems like its been forever, and I ain't ready to leave yet.

You're cool and collected, i like spending time with you,

"my everything", my lover, my boo.

Undivided attention,

baby it makes my heart melt, to know you'll be there for me,

through thick and thin, even when I punch you below the belt.

You have proven yourself over and over and over, its not luck nor a dream or even a four leaf clover.

I believe in luck, yet you're a blessing from above,

our love is so tender, like two white virgin doves.

Undivided attention,


that's what you give.

I wouldn't trade you for anything

as long as I live.

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