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Updated: Feb 19, 2022

Bible Discussions Blogs

When men and brethren dwell together in unity it is just like pure gold

Like sapphires and rubies, amoung the greatest stories ever told

Like a body that is unified and all together make the sum of parts

men congregate, make plans, and expose their hearts

There is no I in team

we work together to make this dream

you have your part and I have mine also

we place the pieces together, yellow is slow down, green is go

I cant get too far ahead and niether you

we come to agreements I'll take red, you take blue

I'm better at writing and you at painting colors

don't try and hog my part of the work, we work with one another

There is one body in unity, yet many parts together

we are one, in rain, cold, sleet, and stormy weather

I've got your back and you've got mine too

With a mindset like Christ there's nothing we cant do

The small parts help the little ones

the big ones navigate the master plan

unity is the glue that binds us as we work together hand in hand

No one part is better than the other because we all make the body run

without the eye, where is the seeing, without the feet where's the fun

Sometimes we argue, yet we come together again

without peace, and untiy, God calls this sin

So I refrain from my post because I care about you

Unity Unity Unity

Consistent communication, cosistent love, consistent work

Unity makes us stand tall

Unity makes us the church

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