stop trying to please them, because you can't
stop trying to change them, because you wont
stop try to understand them, you're not them,
Everything you do, do it from the heart, work as if you are working for the Lord, and understand that God will reward you openly. Waiting on the narcassist to appreciate you, praise you, and most importantly understand you is a complete frustration and waste of your time because they feel entitled to any good, heartfelt, sincere treatment from others that they recieve. anyway.
You can purchase the narcaccist a car, a brand new house, and surprisingly, instead of being flaburgasted, they present a quiet smile, because they feel entitled anyway. It will frustrate the do-gooder, while having no effect on the narcassist, as it is the responsibilty of the empath to 'understand' that they are dealing with a narcassist.
Narcassist rarely possess deep feelings for themselves or others, So that is why taking care of yourself and putting yourself first is always key and a top priority. As an empath, that will be a little difficult for you, because you are a people pleaser; you want to be accepted, your feelings are dependent on others estmations of you--yet be aware and remember that you can never impress a narcassist. You will destroy yourself trying.
Narcacist feed off of your care, and especially your caretaking. The rule for you is to allow people to manage their own lives, and don't care more about people than they care about themselves. When people want to be to work on time, they sat an alarm, go to bed at a decent hour, and then wake up prepared; if you become stressed with a narcassist that could care less about your care and concern, then you may just have to allow them to lose their job. You have to be ready to present to them that you have more to do with your time than to babysit them.
When the narcassist then moves around you, It is because you are not fillng his manipulations and he'll begin another hunt.
Remember, the rule of thumb always to just take good care of yourself. Taking care of yourself is how to victoriously deal with a narcaccist.
If you spend your entire day tirelessly laboring for the narcassist, be not surprised if you rarely recieve a sicere thank you, why you may say? because the narcacisst feels entitled to whatever you do, even your very sanity belongs to them, so decide early to put yourself first, to thiine ownself be true, and take care of yourself, because narcassist are simply not caplable of events that require empathy. Narcassism is the opposite of empathetic. Actually, the empath is they very prey of the wolf king narcassist. They come to you in sheep's clothing yet inwardly they are ravening wolves.