A friend of mine asked me a rather neat question on today. She asked, What is the difference between wishful thinking and having great faith. What is the difference between. Wishful thinking, and Having great faith. Aren't both believing in what you want and need.?
This was a great question. From the start, I told my friend that if I am wishing or hoping for something, to me it is very similiar to having great faith that it may happen.
Wishful thinking
having great faith
I went on to share a recent blog with my friend from our Sunday morning BIble class on this very topic entitled, "Believe" ("Faith is important", Roscoe Rhodes).
The teacher reminded the class to not doubt when we are believing in or praying for something from God. Some may say that faith: is the work we put into what we wish for.
My friend and I are reading a book with a group study entitled "Crazy Faith": Michael Todd.
One of the chapters is entitled, "Lazy Faith."
A good illustration may go this way: I 'wish' sometimes that I was 185 lbs, yet may not have the motivation or 'faith' to put in the sacrifice that it may take to reach those goals.
So in conclusion, wouldn't you agree that Faith is: action?
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