There was a time when I used to believe that I could force outcomes with prayer. I felt that if I prayed enough about something, that my "wish" would come true through my much praying about the same topic. It was a matter of time before I realized that 'wishes' don't come true through much praying about the same topic; sometimes it is indeed difficult to accept, yet sometimes, God's answer is just no, or not now. My minister today delivered a message concerning different types of prayer, entitled, Prayer in Diffult Situations', I love the Scripture text that was used concerning David. David sinned against God by committing adultery with a beautiful woman named Bathseda. Bathseda concieved a child for David. As a direct discipline for David's actions, God smote the chiild with illness. David vehemently prayed, fasted, and prayed yet even more concerning God's mercy in healing and bringing his child back to health. I am sure that during this time, David had time to think about and ponder his sins against God and the shame that he brought on God as a result of his actions rooted in selfishness and idleness. God told David, 'you committed this act secretly, yet I am going to discipline you openly'. And I am going to shame you before the entire nation of Israel, that my people may fear. David's son ultimately passed. The key was David's reaction to the chain of events. The Scriptures say that David arose and ate after his son passed, after fasting and praying about his son for a while. He washed his face and dressed and renewed his energy by eating a meal and continuing on. David accepted that God's answer was no, even though he begged God for an alternate outcome. The same prayers for God to have a change of heart and mind was when Jesus was facing crucifiction. Jesus' exact words were, Lord if thou wilt, let this cup pass from me. Though Jesus prayed with heaviness and and heaviness of tears and sweat...God's answer was 'no'. So, as it was with Jesus and David and us all, I have learned not that I shouldn't be diligent in prayers and request of God, but that I cannot force outcomes with prayer. I do give it my best shot sometimes. God is my witness that I will indeed ask God for whatever I want, and I give God my terms, and all the detailed request; yet at the end of the day, God's will is what ultimately takes place. At this time, it may be difficult, yet I must accept that my will is not always God's will, and that God does know all. God will take care of us and comfort us even though we may suffer. Job said supernaturally without complaint, God giveth and God taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord; I can only pray for God's strength in such an event as Job. The Old Testament comforts us saying that doors that God has closed, no man can open, niether the doors that God has opened can no man close. The crooked ways, no man can make straight. Gods will is not avoided and let us pray for each other and just take heart, that sometimes, God's answer is no.
start video at 05:39
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