God's eternal intent has been 'The Family of God' v34,
"Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: 35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him."
God's special people are not bound by race, nationality, culture, or even generation. God's Family are those 'anywhere' that obey him.
The church** is not manmade, it is those that obey God.
Noteably Jews, and Gentiles, & the Ethiopian Enuch from last week were all saved the same way, under the same gospel, under the same plan.
God promised Abram (Gen 26:1-3,7) that he would bless his seed, that all families of the earth would be blessed through him, and that in the last days, 'all nations' of people would flow into it, the church** (Is.2:2-3);
Acts 10,
God Keeps His promises, Bro White continues with Acts, stay tuned,
01/30/2022 'God Keeps His Promises' Bro Emmanuel White, church of Christ Forest Hill, Forest Hill, TX
start video [44:45]
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