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I have learned to do things right the first time

Updated: Feb 19, 2022

Life's Lessons Blogs

I tell my children, "When you are working, you either do the chore correctly (right) OR, It's Not Done. It may sound hardnosed at the offset, yet I am teaching them and saving them from wasting alot of time. I may say, 'pick up the coat." If you pick up the coat from the living room and, set it in the hallway (lol), then, you have wasted time. I can clean up one mess, all the while creating another. Or as in the case with the baby, she cleaned up one mess, and created another mess. So it's tedious, yes, to label the computer cables, when all that I want to do is blog today, but one month from now when I am trying to troubleshoot, and need to know which cords connects to the monitor or modem, and all is tangled, hunny, believe me, I will be glad that I took that little extra time to COMPlete the project, right, right the first time. Dedicated to young people through out the world

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