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my meds

Updated: Jan 18

Day to Day Blogs & Funny Stuff

This is a love story: about me and my meds

I faithfully pop them nightly, before I go to bed

They are not addictive, yet they make me feel great

no dizziness, fatigue, nor left in another state,

Without my meds I'm sad

so I keep taking my meds to feel glad

anxiety, I've got a prescription for it too,

they keep me from bragging or feeling without a clue

Bi Polar is up and down, depression is just flat

bi polar is opposite ends depression is just that

My meds are my friends, I take them not only for me but for you too

You can say I'm crazy if you want, I'll just agree with you

There's no need to have pride, we all sometimes need a little help

to help us get through the day and focus to manage our wealth

Sometimes I wonder why people suffer when the cure is in a pill

we are not going to be here forever so be true and be real

When you know you need a little help, then just stretch out your hand

just a little pill could be the answer to showing you you can

Depression, yes I've had it and it can be a battle each day

but my meds are right beside me, helping me see the way

I'm so candid you see, becuase my medicines help take care of me

Zoloft, Latuda, my doctor says I'll manage fine

just take your medicines daily and don't get behind

If you need medicines, take it from me they can really help alot

when you lose friends, family, and jobs, the meds may be all you've got

DEpression, Anxiety, PTSD, all, very real diagnosis

just as real as headaches, cancer or cystic fibrosis

When we think of the mind, we rarely think of ill,

yet some of us are very sick, sickly enough to pop the pill

I don;t know what happen in your childhood, but I know what happened in mine,

It left me a little confused, eventually I was left as a star that wouldn't shine

Suicide I thought about it, my friends would have been so shocked

so I resorted to the hospital, to counselors, to unstop my mind from blocks

Highly sensative, multi-talented, yep you'll end up with a problem or two,

Having gifts comes with its woes, brain on overload, someone's watching you,

that parts called paranaio, it can truly mess with your mind,

but you have to accept that you're going crazy, and get some help this time

My meds,

this is a true love story

So glad I'm here to tell you about it

My docs said without meds, living peacefully, I surely dout it,

These disorders are an imbalance of chemicals in the brain

Left untreated, you'll go insane

Who am I? Is the question you'll ask

without my meds I can only resort to this mask

So I take my meds

and allow life to go on as usual as can be

This is my love story ,

My meds & Me

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