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nobody's perfect

Updated: Feb 19, 2022

Narcassistic Poetry

nobody's perfect I say to myself...

not even you

though you're bad for my mental health

I wish you well, yet my wishes flutter in the wind

drug, smoke, blasphemy, manipulation,

seems all you know is sin

but can I find another? That's the question for today,

If I could, I'd fly away, and leave my poisen, like the ways of a stingray,

I know I have a good heart,

so I allow you to be, unfortunately nobody's perfect,

so being you is killing me.

We all want to change something about someone

but we just can't

lame, mute, whiner, complainer, im-po-tent

I'm grateful without the ladder,

yet with you I'm even sadder,

cuz I don't know what a day will bring.

do I choose this, that, or the latter,

so I suffer in this misery becuase a eutopia, I just can't find

I'll suffer, now or later, so it makes no since to leave you behind.

someone will snatch you up, and oh little sad state I'll be

'shoulda kept yo man, mary jane, cuz he was'nt the worst-- that's what they'll call me.

These thoughts keep making me come back to you, though I know you're not good for me.

When you're alone, you're friendless, you're twiddling your thumbs, saying twiddely dee,

I know God is angry with us, becuase for his cause we have no purpose,

we shouldn't just be sitting here, jolting, and jostling, being jirkless

Yet we sing the same old song, cuz we feel that its all that we know

'nobody's perfect', so i'll stay with my loser rather than choose to grow,

he hasn't made a change, but, yet, I dont care, cuz nobody's perfect,

that the message that afloats the air.

So we all in one way or the other,

settle for less than out best, though it goes against the counsel of our bestfirend, uncle, father and mother,

we fancy ourselves and say, it will get better,

yeah right said the goose and hen in that comical love letter.

Cuz nobody's perfect, so just settle in and stay,

stay for the ride, for the roller coaster, and the taxi-dirby,

because hay, nothing is promised to any of us, whether sad or happy, we all have to pay our dues,

life gives back to us what we give it, any other route is the way of fools,

so keeping telling yourself, nobody's perfect, becuase this we know is true,

you reap what you sow in this life, so the nobody's perfect lie for me will do.

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